Lecture scripts (한글 강의록) 24

제9장 (은혜가 더 크다)

9장    당신의 약함보다 더 힘있는           More Powerful Than Your Weakness  I recently learned about an artist named Phil Hansen. He’s a huge success. His breakthrough approach to creating art has made him incredibly popular and has inspired millions of people. I became familiar with Hansen’s art by watching his TED talk called “Embrace the Shake.” If you haven’t seen it, I encourage you to pull it up and ..

제8장 (은혜가 더 크다)

Ch.8. More Peaceful Than Your Disappointments           Peaceful > Your Disappointment제8장  당신의 낙심들보다 더 큰 평화  I didn’t know the person who submitted the request. His name was Marcus and he was asking for financial assistance. At our church we get a lot of applications for benevolence support, but this one was unusual. He was asking for help to pay for his headstone and its inscription. I assumed ..

제7장 (은혜가 더 크다)

제7장   당신의 분개보다 더 큰 화해             More Reconciling Than Your Resentment            Reconciling Grace > Your Resentment  Elizabeth and Frank Morris’s eighteen-year-old son, Ted, was home from college for Christmas break. He had gotten a job to make a little money. It was late, and Elizabeth was worried because he was supposed to be home from work already. That’s when the phone rang. Elizabeth ans..

제6장 (은혜가 더 크다)

제6장 당신의 복수보다 더 이기는 은혜           More Prevailing Than Your Vengeance If you’re in ministry, some people won’t like you. At all.만일 당신이 사역 중이라면 어떤 사람들은 당신을 좋아하지 않을 것이다. 전혀.  Who would’ve guessed you could get in trouble by talking incessantly about someone people were so desperate to get rid of that they nailed him to a cross?사람들이 너무 그 사람을 필사적으로 제거하려고 해서 십자가에 못박은 그 사람에 대해 당신이 끊임없이 말함으로써 곤경에 빠질 수 있음..

제9장의 섹션(3) (The Power of A Parent’s Blessing)

The Power of A Parent’s Blessing by Craig Hill  제9장 결혼기에 있는 당신의 자녀를 축복하기 Blessing Your Child at the Time of Marriage  Section 3  내 자녀가 내가 인정하지 않는 사람과 결혼하기를 원한다면 어쩌지 ? What If My Child Wants To Marry Someone I Don’t Approve Of 마음이 상한 부모들이 자주 내게 물었다. 그들의 성인 자녀가 그들이 옳다고 생각지 않는 누군가와 결혼하기를 계획할 때 무엇을 할지를. 그들은 자기들이 자녀의 선택을 인정치 않을지라도 그 결혼을 앞서 가서 축복해야 하는지 의아해 한다. 나는 부모들의 축복이 성공적인 결혼생활을 용이하게 하기에 너무 힘 있다고..

제9장의 섹션(2) (The Power of A Parent’s Blessing)

The Power of A Parent’s Blessing  by Craig Hill  제9장 결혼기에 있는 당신 자녀를 축복하기 Blessing Your Child At the Time of Marriag    Section 2 놓아주기를 거절하는 것은  결혼한 자녀들의 정체성을 저주한다 Refusal To Release  Curses The Identity of Married Children 부모들이 자기들의 결혼한 자녀들의 정체성을 저주할 수 있는 또 다른 가능한 방법은 그들이 정서적으로 가정을 떠나게 허락하지 않는 것이다. 부모들이 그들의 결혼한 자녀들을 놓아주고 그들이 배우자에게 합하기 허락하는 것은 종종 아주 어렵다.  그들이 자녀의 결혼을 축복하고 결혼 파트너를 받아들였을지라도 그들은 여전히..

제9장의 섹션(1) (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

The Power of A Parent’s Blessing   by Craig Hill                  제9장 결혼기에 당신 자녀를 축복하기             Blessing Your Child At The Time of Marriage                               Section 1 우리는 이제 아들이나 딸의 삶에서 여섯 번째 중요한 축복의 시기에 왔다. 이것은 하나님께서 결혼기에 일어나게 의도하신 축복이다.  모든 아들이나 딸이 결혼하게 하나님의 부르심을 받는 것은 아니나 대부분은 그러하다. 의미있는 변화가 사춘기에 아이됨에서 어른됨으로 일어나듯이 또 하나의 다른 중요한 변동이 독신의 삶에서 결혼생활로 결혼기에 일어난다. 나는 하나님께서 모든 결혼이 부모들 양..

제9장 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

Ch.9. BLESSING YOUR CHILD AT THE TIME OF MARRIAGE결혼시에 자녀에게 축복하기 We now come to the sixth critical time of blessing in the life of a son or daughter. This is the blessing God intended to occur at the time of marriage. Not every son or daughter is called by God to be married, but most are. Just as a significant transition occurs at puberty from childhood to adulthood, another important transition ..

제8장 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

BLESSING YOUR CHILD AT THE TIME OF PUBERTY사춘기에 있는 당신의 자녀를 축복하기While each of the seven critical times of blessing are important, puberty is perhaps one of the most impacting times to bless your child. Puberty is when a child is released into his adult identity. The inner image as a man or woman that is established at this critical time will impact the future course of the child's life.축복의 일곱 시기들 ..

주기도문의 구조

주기도문의 구조The Structure of Lord’s Prayer 아래의 도표는 래리 리 목사의 주기도문에 관한 책 “한 시도 깨어있을 수 없더냐?” (Could You Not Tarry One Hour?)에 나오는 도표는 아니지만 그 책의 내용을 아카데미에서 그려본 것입니다. 한 눈에 들어오는 장점이 있습니다. 저자는 우리가 너무 잘 아는 주기도문을 6개 파트로 나누어서 해설합니다.                  1. 하나님의 약속: “하늘에 계신 우리 아버지, 아버지의 이름을 거룩하게 하시며” 여기서 하나님의 이름에 주목하여 구약성경에서 하나님의 이름의 합성이름들을 열거하면서 그 이름들이 자기 백성에게 주신 약속이라고 해석합니다. 예를 들어서 여호와 이레, 여호와 샬롬, 여호와 니씨, 여호와 로페..