Lecture scripts (한글 강의록)/부모축복의 힘 11

제7장의 섹션(2) (The power of a Parent's Blessing)

God’s Protective Measures In Ancient Hebrew Culture고대 히브리 문화에서 하나님의 보호적인 조치들  Like all the other critical times of blessing in a child’s life, God gave us a model for blessing our children at infancy and early childhood within ancient Hebrew culture. I have identified four protective measures God placed within biblical Hebrew culture to ensure children were blessed and not cursed at infancy and ..

제7장의 섹션(1) (The Power of A Parent’s Blessing)

제7장 유아기와 어린이 시절의 당신 아이를 축복하기 Blessing Your Child in Infancy and Early Childhood Another key time at which blessing or cursing can occur is during infancy and early childhood. A child is very vulnerable at this stage because he cannot meet any of his own needs. If he doesn’t feel secure that his needs will be met, the child may begin to trust no one but himself. Of course, this is not a moment in..

제6장의 섹션(2) (The Power of a Parent's Blessing)

제6장 출생 시에 당신의 아이를 축복하기 Blessing Your Child at Birth  (섹션 2)  이름 안에는 무엇이 있는가? What’s In a Name ? A third way children can be blessed or cursed at the time of birth is through the impartation of a meaningful name. A good name will contain character qualities as hint at the child’s destiny. In Hebrew culture there is traditionally a ceremony eight days after a child’s birth during which the parents..

제6장의 섹션(1) (The Power of a Parent's Blessing)

Blessing Your Child at Birth 출생 시에 당신의 아이를 축복하기  I believe there is a party in heaven each time a child is born. Angels rejoice, and the Father looks at the new person He had made and declares something much like what He said in Genesis after each step of creation: It is very good (Gen.1:31). God was delighted in you at your birth, and He has delighted in each child born into your family.나는 한 아이..

제5장 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

태중 안에 있는 당신 자녀를 축복하기                    Blessing Your Child in the Womb Let’s now turn to the second critical time God intended for a child to receive his parent’s blessing: in the womb. This second key phase entails the entire gestational period – from conception through birth. In the past some people thought unborn children were little inanimate lumps of flesh with no thoughts or feelings. Of ..

제1장 (The Power of a Parent's Blessing)

제1장 에서의 울음 (The Cry of Easu) In Gen. 27 there is a striking passage containing a message from a son to his father. In verse 34 Esau “cried out with an exceedingly great and bitter cry, and said to his father, ‘Bless me, even me also, O my father!’” This cry from the heart of the son, Esau, to his father, Isaac, is the cry of many modern-day adult or adolescent children to their own fathers and m..

서론 (The Power of A Parent’s Blessing)

서론 (Introduction)  Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the ear..

제4장 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

Ch.4. Blessing Your Child at Conception                  임신기에 당신 아이를 축복하기 We will spend the next several chapters looking at each critical time of blessing. Before we dig deep into this topic, I want to remind you that there is an intense spiritual battle over whose message of identity and destiny will be imparted deep inside the heart of a child. If parents are not aware of this battle, the dev..

제3장 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

Ch.3. 하나님의 옛 길 : 일곱가지의 축복의 중대한 시기들        God’s Ancient Path: Seven Critical Times of Blessing  Imparting Blessing as a lifestyle and at seven critical stages of life sets the foundation of identity and destiny that will empower generations to prosper. Although this life style of blessing is found in the Bible and is expressed through the Jewish culture. this is not just a Jewish way to live. Go..

제2장 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

하나님은 우리의 자녀들이 축복의 문화 속에서 성장하기를 원하고 계시다.(God wants children to grow up in a culture of blessing.)   당신은 축복의 문화란 것이 정확히 어떤 것인지 궁금할 것이다. 그것은 단순히 말하자면 가정의 구성원들이 (특히 부모가) 정기적으로 사탄의 무가치한 메시지보다는 가치있는 하나님의 메시지를 자식들에게 전달하는 그런 환경을 말하는 것이다. 축복의 문화 속에서 가정 구성원들은 다른 가족들의 삶 위에 염산이 아니라 살아있는 식물 위에 규칙적으로 비료를 부어주는 것을 말한다. 서로의 성장을 보려고.    서로를 축복하는 가정 안에서 어떤 가족이 무심결에 혹은 고의적으로 다른 가족의 identity를 (그의 정체성, 신분, 독자성: Craig..