전체 글 81

Grace is greater Ch.8.

Ch.8. More Peaceful Than Your Disappointments            Peaceful > Your Disappointment  I didn’t know the person who submitted the request. His name was Marcus and he was asking for financial assistance. At our church we get a lot of applications for benevolence support, but this one was unusual. He was asking for help to pay for his headstone and its inscription. I assumed we could probably sa..

Grace is greater Ch.9.

More Powerful Than Your Weakness            Powerful > Your Weakness  I recently learned about an artist named Phil Hansen. He’s a huge success. His breakthrough approach to creating art has made him incredibly popular and has inspired millions of people. I became familiar with Hansen’s art by watching his TED talk called “Embrace the Shake.” If you haven’t seen it, I encourage you to pull it up..

Grace is greater Ch.7.

More Reconciling Than Your Resentment               Reconciling Grace > Your Resentment  Elizabeth and Frank Morris’s eighteen-year-old son, Ted, was home from college for Christmas break. He had gotten a job to make a little money. It was late, and Elizabeth was worried because he was supposed to be home from work already. That’s when the phone rang. Elizabeth answered and received the new no m..

Grace is greater Ch.6.

Ch.6. More Prevailing Than Your Vengeance                  Prevailing > Your Vengeance  If you’re in ministry, some people won’t like you. At all.  Who would’ve guessed you could get in trouble by talking incessantly about someone people were so desperate to get rid of that they nailed him to a cross?  It’s something they don’t tell you in seminary or include on church job descriptions, but it’s..

Grace is greater Ch.5.

Ch.5. More Freeing Than Your Bitterness                      Freeing > Your Bitterness  How difficult is it to push a button on the dishwasher? My vote is “not very,” but that isn’t the point. What made the whole thing ironic is that I was in the middle of writing a sermon on “happiness.” Let me explain.  My wife and I were on the beach in Destin, Florida . . . without the kids. A recipe for hap..

제4장 (은혜가 더 크다)

당신의 상처들보다 더 큰 치료  More Healing Than Your Wounds My wife is an organized person who enjoys making lists, creating systems, and putting things in their right place.  These are concepts I’m only vaguely familiar with내 아내는 (Idleman’s wife) 조직적인 사람이고 목록 작성, 체계를 만들기 (creating systems), 물건들을 제 자리에 두기를 즐긴다. 내게는 이런 것들이 그저 모호하게 친숙할 뿐이다. She has recently been reading a book called The Life-Changing Magic o..

Grace is greater Ch.4.

Ch.4. More Healing Than Your Wounds           God’s Healing > Your Wounds  My wife is an organized person who enjoys making lists, creating systems, and putting things in their right place.  These are concepts I’m only vaguely familiar with.  She has recently been reading a book called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The subtitle is The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. So the ..