전체 글 81

제9장 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

Ch.9. BLESSING YOUR CHILD AT THE TIME OF MARRIAGE결혼시에 자녀에게 축복하기 We now come to the sixth critical time of blessing in the life of a son or daughter. This is the blessing God intended to occur at the time of marriage. Not every son or daughter is called by God to be married, but most are. Just as a significant transition occurs at puberty from childhood to adulthood, another important transition ..

Section (4) (Could You Not Tarry One Hour?)

Section FourProvision: “Give us this day our daily bread. ’’ Ch.12. (Being in God’s Will)  Athird-year seminary student rarely dines at the Petroleum Club in Fort Worth, Texas, but I was in those elegant surroundings at the invitation of the wealthy gentleman seated across the table. After the blessing I reached for my fork, then paused in surprise. He was crying. This distinguished, respected, ..

Section (3) (Could You Not Tarry One Hour?)

SECTION THREEPRIORITIES: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. ’’Ch.10. (GOD’S KINGDOM IN YOU AND YOUR FAMILY)  The Mekilta, an ancient manuscript that includes a commentary on most of the book of Exodus, includes this parable. A man came to a province and asked the people if he could reign over them. They said, “What good have you done for us? Why should we accept your reign?’’  In response, the..

Section (2) (Could You Not Tarry One Hour?)

SECTION TWOPROMISES : “Our Father wbicb art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. “ Ch. 8. (APPROPRIATING GOD’S NAMES)  Discipline is a dirty word to many of us. When most people think about discipline in prayer, they get a grim, determined look on their faces, grit their vow, “I’m gonna’ do it if it kills me!” That’s the look my young son, John Aaron, put on his face when I told him to eat his spina..

Section (1) (Could You Not Tarry One Hour?)

SECTION 1 (PREPARATION )Ch.1. (HIS NAME IS NOT HENRY!)  I was 17 years old in 1968 when the heavy doors of the psychiatric ward of Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler, Texas, closed and locked behind me. I had a brand new Oldsmobile convertible and a beautiful girl friend; I was an all-state golfer with a scholarship; I lived in a 5,000-square-foot house. (The entire second floor was mine—two bedro..

Contents & Introduction (Could You Not Tarry One Hour?)

CONTENTS Preface ………………………………………….........………………..........................5 Section One Preparation   Chapter 1          His Name Is Not Henry!..............................................................11   Chapter 2          A Radical Change...................................................................... 17   Chapter 3          Read the Red and Pray for the Power.........................

제8장 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

BLESSING YOUR CHILD AT THE TIME OF PUBERTY사춘기에 있는 당신의 자녀를 축복하기While each of the seven critical times of blessing are important, puberty is perhaps one of the most impacting times to bless your child. Puberty is when a child is released into his adult identity. The inner image as a man or woman that is established at this critical time will impact the future course of the child's life.축복의 일곱 시기들 ..

주기도문의 구조

주기도문의 구조The Structure of Lord’s Prayer 아래의 도표는 래리 리 목사의 주기도문에 관한 책 “한 시도 깨어있을 수 없더냐?” (Could You Not Tarry One Hour?)에 나오는 도표는 아니지만 그 책의 내용을 아카데미에서 그려본 것입니다. 한 눈에 들어오는 장점이 있습니다. 저자는 우리가 너무 잘 아는 주기도문을 6개 파트로 나누어서 해설합니다.                  1. 하나님의 약속: “하늘에 계신 우리 아버지, 아버지의 이름을 거룩하게 하시며” 여기서 하나님의 이름에 주목하여 구약성경에서 하나님의 이름의 합성이름들을 열거하면서 그 이름들이 자기 백성에게 주신 약속이라고 해석합니다. 예를 들어서 여호와 이레, 여호와 샬롬, 여호와 니씨, 여호와 로페..

The Structure of Lord’s Prayer

The Structure of Lord’s Prayer  주기도문(主祈禱文)의 구조(構造)  1. Red(God’s Promise 약속)  2. Green (Priority 우선순위) 3. Yellow(God’s Provision 공급)   4. Blue (Human Relationship 인간관계)  5. Purple (Spiritual Battle 영적전쟁) 6. White (Adoration 찬미/송영)This Diagram is from the contents of the book titled “Could You Not Tarry One Hour” by Larry Lea. The author did not picture like this but his explanation made me paint..

제7장 (The Power of A Parent’s Blessing)

제7장 유아기와 어린이 시절의 당신 아이를 축복하기 Blessing Your Child in Infancy and Early Childhood Another key time at which blessing or cursing can occur is during infancy and early childhood. A child is very vulnerable at this stage because he cannot meet any of his own needs. If he doesn’t feel secure that his needs will be met, the child may begin to trust no one but himself. Of course, this is not a moment in..