Lecture scripts (영문 강의록)

Section (3) of Ch.7. (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

코필아카데미 2024. 11. 3. 17:23

*** Blessing Toolbox ***


Below are some prayers you can pray over your children during infancy and early childhood. These are meant to serve as a guide. You can personalize them as needed.


Remedial Prayers to Break the Curse


If your child was adopted and wasn’t nurtured in infancy

You may recognize that your child has a greater need for physical touch because he lacked nurture. Be sure to give him lots of appropriate physical attention and affection. You may also wish to pray the following over your child if he is still living in your home.


Father, we thank You for [your child’s name]. He is such a blessing to us. Lord, one of Your names is El Shaddai, the one who is more than enough. El Shaddai, we ask You to fill up [your child’s name]’s heart with Your love. Touch the heart of the little boy/girl deep inside who needs to be held, cuddled, and loved. Wrap him in Your arms right now and let him experience Your extravagant love and care for him.


I suggest that you now wait in silence and allow the Lord Himself to love your child. You may also want to hug and hold him as you pray. This is probably not something you’ll want to pray only once. You’ll likely want to repeat it regularly as your child grows up. After waiting before the Lord, you may want to bless your child with these words:


[Your child’s name], today we bless your infancy and childhood. We bless you with a supernatural security and a great ability to trust God your Father to meet all your needs. We bless you with an ability to trust other people and to know that you will never walk alone. God will always be with you. Today we declare that your heart shall be at rest in the knowledge that you are never alone. Almighty God will walk with you all the days of your life, and you can trust Him with every aspect of your life. We love you and declare over you that the heart of the small child within is blessed by God and shall be in total peace.


If your child is an adult, you may want to ask if he would be comfortable with you praying this prayer over him even now. The Lord can deeply touch the heart of an adult with His nurturing love many years after childhood.


If you weren’t there for your child in his infancy and you now notice that he has an inability to trust others


1. Repent before the Lord for not being available to nurture your child in infancy and early childhood.


Father, I acknowledge today that I was not available to provide the love and nurture my son/daughter needed as a small child. Lord, that was wrong, and I repent of not making [your child’s name] a priority in my life at that time. I can’t pay for any damage done to my child as a result of my actions. But Jesus Christ already paid for all my sin, shortcomings, faults, and mistakes. Because of Jesus’ blood, Father, I ask You to forgive me for any cursing of identity and lack of blessing that came to my son/daughter in early childhood as a result of my failure. Lord, I now ask that You would fill my son/daughter with Your love and nurture, and do for my child now what I did not do when [your child’s name] was small. I specifically ask You to give [your child’s name] a new ability to trust You and others to help meet his needs. I trust You, Lord, to do in my son/daughter those things that I cannot do. Amen.


2. You may now wish to pray the same prayer of blessing over your son/daughter as included above.


If you cursed the identity of your child during early childhood


1. Repent and ask God to forgive you.


Father, I acknowledge today that I cursed the identity of my son/daughter when he was a small child. Lord, that was wrong, and I repent of not being Your agent to impart Your message into [your child’s name]’s life at that time. I can’t pay for the damage done to my son/daughter as a result of my actions. But Jesus Christ already paid for all my sin, shortcomings, faults, and mistakes. Because of Jesus’ blood, Father, I ask You to forgive me for any cursing of identity and lack of blessing that came to my son/daughter in early childhood as a result of my failure. Lord, I now ask that You would fill my son/daughter with Your love and nurture and do for my child now what I did not do when he/she was small. I specifically ask You to give [your child’s name] a new ability to trust You and others to be available to him and meet his needs. I trust You, Lord, to do in my son/daughter those things that I cannot do.


2. You may now want to pray the same prayer over your child as included above.


Action Steps and Preventative Prayers

To Release the Blessing


As I mentioned previously, you can leave a legacy of blessing for your family. Take the steps below to not only bless your children in infancy and early childhood but also to establish a lifestyle of blessing in your family.


1. Establish a regular weekly time of blessing in your family. Follow the pattern outlined at the end of chapter 2 for     

    having a weekly meal and time of blessing.


2. Touch and hold your infant frequently. Breast-feeding helps create a secure bond between mother and child. If at all     

    possible, it would be wise for a mother to breast-feed her child. In any case, hold, cuddle, and give love to your child        throughout the early childhood years. When both parents hug and show appropriate physical affection, it tends to   

    enliven the spirit of the child. Make abundant use of physical expressions of love and blessing to your child.


3. Make meeting the needs of your small child a priority in your life. This tends to help establish basic trust in the child’s 

    heart. Doing this will also help you establish a culture of blessing in your family.


4. Speak a blessing over your child several times a day. You may want to speak a blessing like the one below over your

    child several times each day.


[Your child’s name], today I bless your life, spirit, soul, and body. I bless you with a supernatural security and a great ability to trust God your Father to meet all your needs. I bless you with an ability to trust other people and to know that you will never walk alone. God will always be with you. Today I declare that your heart shall be at rest in the knowledge that you are never alone but that Almighty God will walk with you all the days of your life. You can trust Him with every aspect of your life. [Your child’s name], as you grow, you shall increase in wisdom and stature, and find favor with God and man. I love you and declare that you shall prosper in all your ways all the days of your life.