Lecture scripts (영문 강의록)

Section (1) of Ch.6 (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

코필아카데미 2024. 11. 2. 23:39

Blessing Your Child at Birth


 I believe there is a party in heaven each time a child is born. Angels rejoice, and the Father looks at the new person He had made and declares something much like what He said in Genesis after each step of creation: It is very good (Gen.1:31). God was delighted in you at your birth, and He has delighted in each child born into your family.


Key Role Player


 Both parents play a key role in imparting a message to the heart of the child at the time of birth. God intends to us both father and mother to impart love and acceptance of the child’s personhood and gender. Yet, again, while the father is very important to impart blessing, it is primarily the mother who will anwer the key question in the child’s heart.


Key Question To Be Answered


 The key questions that either God or Satan will answer through the agency of parents are: Am I what you expected and wanted? Am I OK, or is something wrong with me? Will anyone take care of me?

Probably none of us can remember being born, but I’m sure it must be a very scary experience for a baby. Moving from the warm, protected environment in the womb, where all the child’s needs are met, to a cold, noisy, unprotected environment could be very terrifying.

That‘s why the immediate question in the heart of the child would be, “Who will take care of me?”

No one ever brought a baby home from the hospital and said, “Welcome to your new home. Here is your room. The bathroom is just down the hall. Farther down is the kitchen. Help yourself to anything you want. We’re so glad you’re here. Make yourself at home.” A baby is completely helpless. He cannot meet any of his own needs, and without help he will die. So once the birth has taken place, that newborn needs to know whether his needs will continue to be met even though he is no longer protected and automatically cared for as he was in the womb.


Of course, the devil would like to tell the child, “You are all alone now without anyone who loves you or cares for you. There is something wrong with you, and consequently no one wants you, and no one will take care of you. You must fend for yourself, and since you can’t, you will die.”

God, on the other hand, intends to use the parents to send exactly the opposite message. His message is: “Welcome! You are supposed to be here. You are a gift from God to us. We’ve been waiting to see you face-to-face, and you are even more wonderful and beautiful than we had imagined. You are exactly who we wanted. You are just perfect! We are here to meet your every need. There’s no need to fear or worry about anything. You can just kick back and relax. Now is the only time in your life when you will have no responsibilities and no burdens or pressures. Others will wait on you hand and foot and meet your every need. One specific agent of God, your mom, will make you and your needs top priority in her schedule. We love and bless you, and we welcome you into our family.”


Blessing And Cursing At the Time of Birth


 It was the Father’s intent for each child to receive his parents’ blessing right at the time of birth. I believe God intended for there to be one clear message from the heart of the Father through the parents to the heart of the child. However, if the parents feel disappointment, fear, stress, or trauma, the message they send may be something other than the one from the heart of God. So what might blessing and cursing look like at the time of birth?


Blessing at the time of birth may involve:


1. Ensuring the child receives verbal and physical communication from the parents that he is wanted, accepted, and

    welcome, and the mother providing love and physical nurture.


2. The parents receiving the child as the sex God created him to be.


3. The parents imparting a name with spiritual meaning and having a time of spiritual impartation to the child soon after        birth.


4. A reasonably trauma-free birth.


Cursing at the time of birth may include:


1. The parents communicating to the child verbally and physically that he is not wanted and not welcome. The baby is not

    loved, held, cuddled, or physically nurtured by his mother.


2. The parents expressing disappointment in the child’s gender and not receiving the child as the sex God created him to



3. The parents giving the child a demeaning or negative name, and having no time of spiritual impartation, or worse yet,

    spiritually dedicating the child to Satan, idolatrous gods, or demonic spirits.


4. The child experiencing significant physical trauma at birth.


Consequences of Blessing And Cursing at Birth


 When a baby is held, accepted, and nurtured at the time of birth, he tends to develop a strong sense of security and emotional peace. God is able to use that child’s parents to impart a consistent message into the child’s heart regarding his identity and destiny. On the other hand, when a baby is rejected, not held, and not nurtured, the child can develop feelings of insecurity and a fear of death right from the beginning.


 Teams from our ministry have prayed for people who have had great difficulty trusting God in difficult circumstances or trusting a spouse or others close to them. When we have asked the Lord to reveal the source of the insecurity and inability to trust, the person has often been led back to a sense of rejection at the time of birth. This has also resulted in a need to control everything that happens in their lives.


 A deep-seated lie rooted in fear is established in the heart from birth that says, “No one really loves me and will meet my needs. Therefore I can trust no one and must put a shell around my heart and do my best to meet all my own needs.” This person may then thrive to meet his own needs for the rest of his life.


 A second consequence that may come from rejection at birth is an undue drive to perform in order to obtain acceptance. The lie imparted is: “I obviously have no inherent value. Therefore I must do something outstanding to gain the acceptance and approval of those important to me.” This person may strive all his life to become “somebody” because deep inside he feels like a “nobody.”