Lecture scripts (영문 강의록)

Section (5) of ch. 4. (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

코필아카데미 2024. 10. 29. 08:29

Remedial Prayers to Break the Curse


If you already have a child conceived outside the protective hedge of the covenant of marriage


I encourage you to follow the steps below. You may pray steps one through three without your child present. While it’s not essential, I suggest you pray steps four through seven in the presence of your child. If you are married, it is important for you and your spouse to pray through these steps together as spiritual gatekeepers over your child. If you are a single parent, pray the same prayers on your own.


1. Renounce the iniquity


Father, I acknowledge this day that I have been bound in the iniquity of lust, fornication, sexual immorality, [and any other sexual iniquity that God brings to your mind such as masturbation, pornography, homosexuality, sexual

perversion, voyeurism, etc.] I renounce this iniquity and ask You to forgive me by the blood of Jesus for allowing it to operate in my life.

If you recognize that the same iniquity operated in your father, grandfather, or past generations, then pray the following:

Father, I recognize that my father [or grandfather] was bound in the iniquity of fornication, adultery, sexual immorality, pornography, [or whatever the iniquity]. He opened the door for the enemy to enter our family. Today I forgive my father [or grandfather or other ancestors] for entertaining this iniquity and opening the door to it in our family. Jesus Christ shed His blood to release me from this iniquity, and today I apply His blood to terminate the power of this iniquity in my life. Amen.


2. Pray to close the open spiritual door


Father, I recognize today that I opened the door for the enemy to access my son/daughter in the area of lust, sexual sin, fornication, immorality, [or anything else the Lord brings to your mind]. I had authority to open this spiritual door, and I have authority to close it. So this day, in the name of Jesus Christ, I close every door I opened in the life of my son/daughter to every sexual iniquity. I terminate the function of this iniquity in my family in this generation, and I declare that it stops now in my life. In Jesus’ name, this iniquity has no authority to function in my family in any future generation.


3. Send the iniquity to the cross of Christ


I now dispatch the iniquity of lust, sexual sin, fornication, immorality, [and anything else the Lord has brought to your mind] to the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus died to take that iniquity upon Himself on the cross, and I now release that iniquity to the cross of Christ.


4. Break the power of the iniquity over your child’s life


In the name of Jesus Christ I now break the power of the iniquity of lust, sexual sin, fornication, immorality, [and anything else the Lord has brought to your mind] over [your child’s name]. I declare that Jesus died to take this iniquity upon Himself on the cross, and this iniquity will no longer function in [your child’s name]’s life.


5. Release the blessing Jesus Christ died to purchase into the life of your child


I now release upon [your child’s name] the blessing Jesus Christ died to purchase for him/her. I now declare over you, [your child’s name], that you will know nothing all the days of your life but emotional purity, sexual purity, and marital fidelity. Any children you will ever conceive will always be conceived within the protective hedge of the covenant of marriage from this day forth.

I bless the day of your conception and declare that you are wanted and welcome in this family. You are your heavenly Father’s legitimate son/daughter, and He chose you to be born for such a time as this. You were conceived right on time, and you are supposed to be here. God chose to give you life and to give you to us as a gift. We receive your life as a unique gift from God to our family, and we thank God for making you a part of our family in His unique and special timing. You are absolutely unique, and no one else can accomplish or fulfill your purpose on earth. I bless your life, your spirit, your health, your destiny and purpose, and your place in our family.


6. Command any attending demonic spirit to leave your child and never return


In the name of Jesus Christ I now command the spirit of [name or function of the demon] to leave my son/daughter now and never return. You have no more authority over his/her life. Leave and go to the place Jesus Christ sends you.


7. Ask God to fill your child with His Holy Spirit


Father, please fill [your child’s name] with Your Holy Spirit right now. I bless him/her with the infilling of Your Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.


Preventative Prayers to Release the Blessing


 Bless the day of your future child’s conception.

 Father, we give You permission to give us the gift of children as You see fit. Lord, we acknowledge that children are a gift from You, and we gladly accept this gift of a child from Your hand. Father, we bless in advance the spirit of our child even at the moment of conception, and we declare that our child will prosper and be blessed according to Your purpose all the days of his or her life. We declare, Father, that any children you choose to send us are welcome and belong in our family, and we bless them with a strong sense of being loved, valued, and welcomed from the very moment of conception onward, in Jesus’ name, Amen.