Lecture scripts (영문 강의록)

Section (3) of Ch. 4. (The Power of a Parent’s Blessing)

코필아카데미 2024. 10. 29. 08:27

Freedom for Susan’s Son


 Susan came up to me during an Ancient Paths Experience I was conducting to talk with me about her five-year-old son, Billy. Though just a young boy, Billy was consumed with an unusual sexual lust. He was continually spouting sexual obscenities. He knew all the latest sexual jokes, and he devoured any type of pornography he could find.

“Worst of all,” Susan told me, “a couple weeks ago I left Billy alone in a room with his one-and-a-half-year-old baby sister. I couldn’t have been gone for more than three minutes, and when I returned, I found Billy unclothed and attempting to enter into sexual relationship with his baby sister. It scared me do death.”

Susan knew this was not normal behavior for a five-year-old it’s not normal for a child that young to even be so aware of such things. “I don’t know where he could have picked up this type of thinking and behavior,” Susan cried. “To our knowledge he has never been around people who think or act this way. My husband and I are very careful about the children Billy plays with. He has never been molested. Of course, now no other parents will let their children play with Billy.


 “We just don’t know what to do. He is a constant embarrassment to me. I can’t take him anywhere because I never know what he is going to do or say. I have to continually watch him at home for fear he will molest the baby. We’ve tried praying for him, taking him to a psychiatrist everything we know of but nothing seems to help.”

Susan’s pastor was sitting with me as Susan described Billy’s behavior. The pastor confirmed that the situation was indeed as bad as Susan described and that they had done everything they knew to do. I didn’t have any answers for them, so I suggested we pray. As we got quiet before the Lord, I felt the Holy Spirit lead me to ask Susan a series of questions.


 “Let’s just start at the very beginning of Billy’s life,” I said. “Can you tell me how your son was conceived?”

Susan sat in silence for several seconds as tears began to stream down her cheeks. “I was not walking with God at that time in my life,” she said. “As a matter of fact, I was living a very immoral lifestyle. As close as I can tell, the night Billy was conceived I was with several different men. I have no idea which one is his biological father. I lived this way for another three months or so before I gave my life to the Lord. Since then I have been walking with the Lord and have not been involved in sexual immorality. Shortly after Billy was born, I met my husband, who is a godly man. We married and have been serving the Lord our entire marriage.”


 As Susan shared this information, the Lord brought to my mind a very strange thought. Perhaps little Billy had actually been demonized by a spirit of sexual lust right at the time of his conception. His current behavior could be a result of the influence of that demonic spirit in his life. I had never before thought of this possibility, yet I felt very strongly that I should mention it to the pastor and Susan. When I shared this thought, Susan began to weep profusely. “I’m sure that is exactly what happened,” she said through tears.


 “Is your son here with you?” I asked. “No, he is at home with his father,” Susan replied. “What should we do? I have already repented of the past sexual immorality. How can we get Billy free of the spirit of lust?”

I then explained to Susan and to the pastor the strongman principle and how conceiving a child outside of marriage leaves him vulnerable to demonic attack. Neither the pastor nor Susan had ever realized this before.

I told Susan that she was the strongtman and that she had opened the door in her son’s life that allowed a demonic spirit to afflict him in the same area she had been bound. Usually good news becomes relevant only when we understand the true impact of the bad news. So I explained to Susan that she not only had authority as a mother to open the door, but she also had authority as a mother and a believer in Jesus Christ to close the same spiritual door and command the demonic spirit to leave her son.


 I then asked the pastor if he had any experience with deliverance ministry. He did, so I instructed Susan to have her husband bring Billy to the pastor’s office, where she should take the following steps.


1. Renounce the iniquities of fornication, sexual immorality, and lust in her life.


2. Pray to close the door she had opened through her past actions that had allowed the enemy access to her son.


3. Dispatch the iniquity of lust to the cross of Jesus Christ, who died for all our transgressions and iniquities (Isa. 53:4-6)


4. Pray to break the power of that iniquity over the life of her son.


5. Pray to exchange the iniquity of lust in Billy’s life for the blessing of sexual and emotional purity that Jesus died for him

    to receive.


6. Exercise her authority in Christ, and as a strongman (parent) to command the spirit of lust to leave her son   

    immediately and go where Jesus Christ sends it.


7. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill her son with Himself.


 Susan and her pastor agreed to have this meeting the following week. Several months later I returned to the same city to speak at another conference. Immediately after my session, Susan excitedly came running up to me with a little boy in tow. “Remember me, remember me?” she exclaimed.

I actually didn’t remember her at first because I had spoken at many events since we met. But when she began to explain her situation to me, I immediately remembered her.

“We did what you said,” she said. “My husband and I met with our pastor and our son. We followed the steps you outlined, and when we got to the step to command the spirit of lust to leave our son, we saw a visible manifestation of it leaving and a total change in Billy’s countenance.”


 Susan then burst into tears and proclaimed, “I got my son back! He is a normal little five-year-old boy who doesn’t know anything about sex. He doesn’t remember any of the sexual jokes he used to tell or even understand what those things mean. When we commanded that spirit to leave him, it did, and there was an instant transformation in my son. His countenance instantly changed, and so did his language and behavior. Thank you so much.”

Susan was almost beside herself with joy and just couldn’t stop thanking the Lord for setting her son free. “I never before would have believed that it was possible for a little boy to be demonized at the moment of conception had it not happened to my son,” Susan said, “and had I not seen the consequences of my past iniquity with my own eyes.”


Born That Way ?


 The experience I had with Susan and her son dramatically demonstrated to me the serious charge parents have to be gatekeepers, or strongmen, in the lives of their children. Once I understood how vulnerable children conceived outside of marriage are to demonic influence, I was able to understand why some people bound in a lifestyle of homosexuality are convinced they were born with that sense of identity.


 As a believer I had always thought no one could be born with a homosexual identity; I thought it must have been acquired sometime in childhood. But when ministering to a young man several years ago, I asked him how long he had felt a homosexual identity, and he said he was quite certain he’d had it from birth. As we prayed, I heard the Lord tell me that he was indeed born with that identity, but he was not created that way.


 Because his parents were not married when he was conceived and had provided him no spiritual hedge of protection, this young man had been demonized by a sexually perverse spirit while in the womb. So when he said he was born that way, he was indeed correct. After understanding the origin of his homosexual identity, we were able to minister to him and help him obtain deliverance. Since that time I have seen this same scenario play out in many people. It has only reinforced to me the critical importance of parents blessing their children at the time of conception with the spiritual hedge of protection provided by the covenant of marriage.